Súmate al reciclado del papel y ayudemos a limpiar nuestro planeta

Join the recycling of paper and help clean our planet

Paper recycling is an important and necessary process to reduce the environmental impact of paper production and disposal. Paper is one of the most commonly recycled materials and the recycling process is relatively simple and efficient.
The paper recycling process begins with the collection of used paper, which can come from offices, homes and commercial establishments. The collected paper is sorted according to its quality and cleaned of any contaminants, such as staples and paper clips, to avoid damaging the recycling machines.
The paper is then broken down into pulp using water and chemicals. The resulting pulp is cleaned and bleached before being turned into new paper. This recycling process saves energy and resources compared to producing new paper from virgin pulp, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and the number of trees that are cut down for paper production.
Recycled paper is used in a wide variety of products, including printing paper, cardboard for boxes and packaging, and paper products for home and office use. Recycling paper also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants generated in the production of new paper.
That is why we at Tienda Oceanis collaborate so that everyone can recycle and we offer all types of selective recycling bins.
In summary, paper recycling is an important process to reduce the environmental impact of paper production and disposal. By recycling paper, you save energy and resources, reduce the amount of waste ending up in landfills, and protect forests and biodiversity.
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