Molinos de viento para la extracción de agua

Windmills for water extraction

The windmill starts pumping water at a wind speed of 4 m/sec. The rotation of the wheel drives, through the connecting rod and by means of the rods - installed inside the galvanized tubes -, the piston pump (located at the bottom of the well).

The pump has a piston and a valve system that, in coordination with the movement transmitted by the rods, propel the water through the inside of the tubes to the surface to end up in a water tank . One of the main characteristics of piston pumps is that if the well were to have a flow rate lower than that expected for the pump, the pump would continue to pump water and air without being harmed.

The windmill moves the water and, if necessary, also raises it above the height of the tower, simply by placing a stuffing box that prevents the water from overflowing.

The windmills from Tienda Oceanis are protected against excessive winds as they are equipped with an automatic braking system. In addition to the automatic braking system, the windmill has a manual braking system at the foot of the tower, to stop it whenever desired.

Applications of Windmills for water extraction

Water Supply to Communities. The use of windmills for pumping water in municipalities is becoming increasingly common.

Water Supply in Agriculture and Livestock. Windmills are installed on both small and large farms.

Multi-installations on Large Farms. In the case of large farms, it is recommended to install more than one windmill (multi-installation). The main advantage of a multi-installation is the possibility of capturing the different water points existing on the farm.

Installations on small farms. In the case of small farms (livestock, fruit trees, vineyards, horticultural crops, etc.), the installation of windmill models from 9 to 15 metres in height is generally recommended. In livestock farms, with high water requirements for watering the animals, these models more than cover the needs.

Water Quality. Windmills pump water from ponds (or other areas) to ensure appropriate levels of dissolved oxygen in the pond. In many cases, pond water has very low concentrations of dissolved oxygen, sometimes it is completely devoid of it, causing mortality of aquatic organisms. Pumping water by windmills ensures the necessary water quality in an economical and environmentally friendly way. Recently, studies have also been carried out on the application of windmills in water treatment and desalination plants.

Other Applications
Other special applications of the windmill are:
Water transfer between reservoirs at different levels
Wetland Drainage
Water supply to small lakes, public gardens and fountains
Water supply to natural parks
Water supply to industries
Water treatment and recycling facility
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