Los Filtros de Agua de Lluvia

Rainwater Filters

Water filters are a great option for filling water tanks as they help remove impurities and contaminants from the water. Water filters can be installed on the faucet or directly into the water tank to purify the water while the water tank is being filled.

A roof-mounted rainwater filter is a device used to collect and filter rainwater that falls on the roof of a house or building. The water filter is placed on the pipe that carries water from the roof gutter to the storage tank or distribution system.
The way a rooftop water filter works is pretty simple. Rainwater flows into the filter through a pipe that connects to the roof gutter. The filter is designed to retain large solids, such as leaves and twigs, and allow the water to flow through a filter media that removes smaller particles, such as dirt and sand.

The filter media in a rooftop water filter can be of different types, such as stainless steel mesh, polyurethane foam, or activated carbon filters. Some filters may also use gravity separation processes to remove heavier sediments.
Once the water has passed through the filter media, it is directed to the storage tank or distribution system. The filtered water can be used to water plants, wash clothes, fill swimming pools, or even for drinking, depending on the quality of the water and the purpose for which it is used.
It is important to note that a rooftop water filter is not a complete water purification system, and should not be used as such. Although the filter can remove many contaminants and sediment from rainwater, some microorganisms and dissolved chemicals may still be present in the water. Therefore, it is recommended to perform water quality testing periodically if filtered water from a rooftop is used for human consumption.

The most efficient rainwater filters from Tienda Oceanis are

Rainwater filter round downpipe 50 mm Eco Grey or Brown

Rainwater filter for round downpipe Grey or Brown 100-110 mm

Rectangular grey or beige downpipe filter

Leaf separator filter for round downpipe 75 mm-110 mm

Call us for more information about our water filters.
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