Did you know that the origin of the recycling symbol called the Möbius circle comes from a design competition organized by Container Corporation of America in 1970. The winner was Gary Anderson and the three arrows represent the three main phases of recycling:
Waste collection.
The processing of the same.
The return to its production process.
In Spain, each inhabitant generates approximately 460 kilos of rubbish, of which 60% ends up in landfills. This means that words like recycling , global warming , climate change , green spaces… are gaining a lot of relevance in our society, and it is no coincidence. The number of studies that warn about the reality of global warming and climate change is increasing.
What are the consequences of global warming? Mainly, the average temperature of the Earth will increase. It is estimated that by 2050 it will have increased by 4 degrees compared to the current average, which means that:
Since the beginning of the century, sea levels have risen by an average of approximately 10 cm, more than double the level of the 20th century, which could put some coastal towns at risk.
The occurrence of extreme weather events such as heat waves, floods and droughts is increasing.
Changes in the ecosystem , mainly meaning an increase in desertification, which causes the land to lose nutrients, making cultivation difficult.
It facilitates the reproduction of insects, increasing the risk of spreading diseases.
In the coming years, the Earth's average temperature will increase by between 1.5 and 2.5ºC, which will cause 20-30% of species to be in danger of extinction.
These are some of the consequences and with these negative data on global warming , it is up to us whether we want this phenomenon to continue or whether we want to contribute to reducing and reversing it. If we decide to reduce it, we have a simple tool that everyone can do from home or at work and that is recycling.
The act of recycling, which is as easy as separating and throwing away the garbage we produce daily in one container or another, has a great positive impact, such as:
Saving energy and reducing pollution, which translates into less CO2 generation to create new material and thus reducing the gases that cause the greenhouse effect.
Reduction in the consumption of natural resources , for example, both glass and metal can be recycled infinitely since they do not lose their properties when recycled, allowing the creation of new materials while reducing the use of natural resources.
Recycling avoids the use of landfills, which are very polluting for the environment and very annoying for people.
Recycling enables the creation of new jobs.
If everyone recycled correctly, the cost of recycling would decrease.
On the other hand, there is a model called the rule of the three Rs or also known as the three Rs of ecology. Through these three Rs, the aim is to generate healthier consumption habits for the planet. These three Rs are:
Reduce : This involves promoting materials that can be used for more than one purpose. Therefore, reducing materials that are intended for a single function or a single use. For example, disposable products. Reduce the consumption of toxic and polluting products. One way to reduce this is to use public transport.
Reuse : At this point, it is about giving priority to those materials that can be reused. Many times when you order ready-made food to be delivered to your home, it comes in Tupperware, so you can use it when you have to eat out. Another example of reuse is using used paper as erasers.
Recycle : This is the most well-known R of all and should be the last option, when it is not possible to reduce or reuse. Taking the example of scrap paper, when it can no longer be used, recycle it.
So, on the one hand we have global warming, for which we are all somewhat responsible. But on the other hand we have a solution to this serious problem in our hands, through recycling and the three Rs model.
With this way of life that ensures the sustainability of the planet, we can reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy in order to obtain more. Reusing means making better and more efficient use of the materials we have available. Recycling allows us to create new materials from used materials, and not only this, but recycling itself also allows for the creation of jobs.
Tips for recycling or reducing consumption :
Provide bins that allow for garbage classification.
Use recycled paper or erasers whenever possible when not dealing with important documents.
Use electronic communication rather than paper.
When printing documents, print them in draft quality.
There are programs that allow you to print with ecological font.
Unplug electronic devices and do not leave them on standby when not in use.
The use of LED lights that consume 3w and provide the same light as a fluorescent bulb.
Use your own cup at work.
Crush the containers before throwing them away as this saves more space in the trash.