Here are some tips for dealing with drought with rainwater recovery tanks:
Make sure the collection system is properly installed and working properly. You should make sure that the gutters and downspouts are clean and that there are no obstructions in the collection tubes. Also, you should make sure that the water tank is in good condition and is properly sealed to prevent evaporation and contamination.
Select a suitable location.
Select a spot near a gutter on your house where you can place the water tank and where it will have good sun exposure.
Install a suitable filtration system.
Rainwater can be contaminated with leaves, dust, and other pollutants, so it is important to install a filtration system or rainwater filters to ensure that the collected water is clean and safe for use.
Use the collected water for non-potable purposes.
Collected rainwater can be used for garden irrigation, car washing, floor cleaning, and other activities that do not require potable water. You can use decorative rainwater tanks, thereby decorating your garden, and use that collected rainwater to water your plants. This will help reduce the amount of water used by the municipal network.
Use water extraction pumps
Consider installing a pumping system to deliver water to points of use. Depending on the size of your property, you may need a pumping system to deliver collected water to points of use.
Be sure to follow local regulations.
Some cities and municipalities have specifics regarding rainwater harvesting, so you should make sure you are aware of them and follow them.
Remember that rainwater harvesting is a great way to combat drought and reduce drinking water consumption.
Additionally, by using rainwater for non-potable purposes, you will reduce the amount of water you use from the municipal network and help preserve this valuable resource.
Recovering rainwater by using rainwater recovery tanks is an excellent way to save water and reduce drinking water consumption.