Compostaje para el jardín y huertos

Composting for the garden and orchards

Composting is a natural process of generating organic matter under controlled conditions, resulting in a nutrient-rich material for plants called compost. A variety of organic waste can be used in composting, such as food scraps, leaves, twigs, grass, paper and cardboard.

Composting is beneficial for both the environment and gardens, home gardens and urban allotments. By reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced and landfill space is saved. In addition, compost is an excellent natural fertilizer that can improve soil quality and increase water retention capacity.

There are several methods that can be used to compost, such as an open-air pile, but the best option is to compost in a closed bin or composter.

It is important to maintain an appropriate carbon to nitrogen ratio (25 to 30 parts carbon to nitrogen), ensure that the compost has sufficient moisture, and mix the materials periodically to encourage destruction.

It is also important to consider which materials can and cannot be used in compost. Some materials such as meat, bones, dairy products and oils can attract animals and unpleasant odors. In addition, some waste may contain toxic substances that should not be included in compost.

The better the compost you mix, the easier and better it will compost. You should not fill the composter all at once, it is better to fill it slowly with the organic waste produced daily.
On our Tienda Oceanis website you can also find an excellent option for your kitchen composter: a 15-litre tabletop kitchen composter.
Kitchen waste has a high water content. Ensuring good aeration and air supply is very important for obtaining good compost. Wet waste must be mixed with dry waste and coarse materials with fine materials.

In short, composting is an eco-friendly and sustainable practice that can help reduce waste and improve soil health. With the right mix of materials, proper care, and patience, anyone can make their own compost and reap the benefits of a natural, low-cost fertilizer.
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