Agua potable en barcos y embarcaciones

Drinking water on ships and boats

Fresh, drinkable water on board a boat is essential, both in bottles and in the water tank. Therefore, the best quality of water should always be kept on board. The quality of the components selected for the onboard fresh water system will determine how long the stored water will remain safe to drink.

The water tanks for boats that we have at Tienda Oceanis are made with sophisticated materials to ensure that fresh water stays fresh for longer in a freshwater system.

Our water tanks for boats are made of synthetic material, ideal for fresh water.
They can be easily cleaned due to the large inspection cover.
Boat water tank wall thicknesses vary between 5-8 mm.
We offer complete water pressure systems with integrated pump and water pressure control.
Electrical components are available for 12V and 24V systems.

On the boat we must know how to conserve water well, as well as know where the boat's water tanks are located.
Sailing on a long or short sea voyage requires carrying drinking water on board , as it may become absolutely necessary in various situations, both on sailing boats and on motor boats.

When filling the water tanks with fresh water, it is also important to keep the area around the filling mouth as clean as possible to prevent rapid contamination of the stored water.
Since there are fresh water tanks on board, their contents will probably not be in optimal condition for consumption, but they will be useful for washing dishes, doing small loads of laundry, for showering, etc.

Water tanks on a boat are usually located below or very close to the waterline, in areas that are difficult to access, and therefore it is difficult to detect their status correctly and reliably. As a general rule, water tanks are usually located under the bunks, both forward and aft, and depending on the size of the boat, also under the benches in the saloon. If the boat has more than one water tank, each should have a tap connecting to the circuit. In this way, we can better manage the use of each tank.

Oceanis Store has a wide variety of flexible water tanks for boats and rigid drinking water tanks for better water availability on your boat or vessel.

Rigid water tanks for boats:
High quality synthetic water tanks, specially designed for use with fresh water. Available in different shapes, sizes and capacities.
These rigid water tanks for boats are supplied as standard equipped with an electric water pump, ultrasonic level sensor, inspection cover and all necessary connections for filling, expiration and ventilation tubes.
Flexible drinking water tanks for boats:
These flexible fresh water tanks for boats are made of a durable material and can be easily installed and positioned in places that are normally difficult to reach. Ideal when space is limited.
Boat water heater:
To produce hot water when the boat engine is running. The double wall design will heat fresh water 5 to 7 times faster than conventional designs.
Pressurized water systems:
They provide a constant flow of water in the fresh water circuit of boats.
Boat accessories: Oceanis Store has tubes, connection equipment, level sensors and water tank gauges to complete the entire system.
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